So, before Super Bowl LVIII hits the scene, DraftKings and TUMS decided to spice things up a bit. They’ve cooked up a new free-to-play game called TUMS Prop Bites. Yep, you heard it right – an antiacid brand and a gaming giant joining forces for some pre-game excitement.

What’s TUMS Prop Bites All About?

This game is like no other – it’s all about making your picks on America’s favorite foods. Think of it as a national food showdown where you can test your luck and maybe snag a piece of the $10,000 prize pool. The game kicked off this week and will be rolling until February 11, 2024, aka Super Bowl LVIII kickoff. So, if you’re feeling lucky, get those food picks in before the game starts!

Big Game Weekend Kickoff with TUMS Prop Bites Food Casino

But wait, there’s more! DraftKings and TUMS are making Super Bowl weekend even more exciting with the Big Game Weekend kickoff. On February 9, 2024, from 12 PM to 6 PM, they’re hosting the TUMS Prop Bites Food Casino at Circa Stadium Swim in Las Vegas. And guess what? The hilarious Desus Nice, the famous comedian, is joining the party.

Free Games, Prizes, and Desus Nice – What More Could You Want?

Guests at the TUMS Prop Bites Food Casino can dive into some free games and take a shot at winning cool prizes. And who wouldn’t want to do that with Desus Nice in the mix? The comedian is not just there for laughs; he’s also been crowned the Official TUMS Prop Bites Tipster. That means he’ll be all over social media, cooking up some digital content, and adding his own flavor to the Big Game hype.

DraftKings’ Take on the Big Game Fun

Jay Danahy, the head honcho of brand partnerships and operations at DraftKings, spilled the beans on why the Super Bowl is a big deal for them every year. He’s pumped about TUMS Prop Bites, calling it a game that lets “food fans get in on the competitive action on game day and leading up to it.” And he’s got a point – food is a crucial part of the Big Game experience, and TUMS Prop Bites brings that extra spice, giving fans more ways to dive into the action.

TUMS’ Digestive Relief and Entertainment Combo

Jissan Cherian, TUMS’ senior director of digestive health, is equally thrilled about the collaboration. He sees TUMS Prop Bites as another layer of fun for football fans, complementing their love for tasty game day snacks. Cherian also threw in a reminder that TUMS is there to save the day, offering relief from heartburn so you can enjoy your snacks worry-free.

In a Nutshell: It’s Game Time with TUMS Prop Bites

Slot GACOR TERBARU. So, there you have it – TUMS and DraftKings are bringing the heat before the Big Game with TUMS Prop Bites. It’s not just about the football; it’s about the food, the fun, and the chance to win some extra cash. And with Desus Nice in the mix, you know it’s going to be a party. Whether you’re a die-hard sports fan or just here for the snacks, TUMS Prop Bites is serving up a slice of the Super Bowl excitement. Get those picks in, roll the dice at the TUMS Prop Bites Food Casino, and let the good times roll!

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